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Nordic Insurance Software

Nordic Insurance Software


af medarbejderne synes alt taget i betragtning, at dette er et rigtig godt sted at arbejde

Nordic Insurance Company are headquarted out of Copenhagen, Denmark and we have offices in four countries, and colleagues in five. The organization is split into verticals with designated mandates and responsibilities but they have horizontal structures that enables them in working together where the primary structure is Scrum as development methodology. Although, they are spread across the world, they seek not to work based on location but based on where the colleague can contribute. They are an open company where good ideas can spark from any level of the organization and in our daily work they try to diminish the levels altogether.


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Information technology



Medarbejdernes oplevelse af arbejdspladsen

af medarbejderne synes alt taget i betragtning, at dette er et rigtig godt sted at arbejde
of the employees experience, that management is approachable, easy to talk with.
of the employees say, that when you join the organisation, you are made to feel welcome.
of the employees expresses, that they are proud to tell others they work here.
of the employees experience, thet they are given the resources and equipment to do their job.
of the employees say, that they believe management would lay people off only as a last resort.

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